Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm IT
What is your current obsession? working on Pasticcio 8
What is your weirdest obsession? my kids would probably say art by Margaret Keane

What are you wearing today? brown linen adjustable length Free People cargoes bought on sale; a brown Niche blouse from Goodwill; black Victoria's Secret underneath, also on sale; Bijou Graphique earrings; an amber ring I got 13 years ago at a Russian shop in Vero Beach, Florida; a necklace I put together with a strand of carnelian beads and a silver martini glass charm from Angela; a pair of switchflops, and a pretty little french barrette (tortoisehell) Corina got for me at one of my fave shops in Denver, Talulah Jones

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? homemade blackberry (from our own berries), but out of season, any of the deep, dark, chocolatey ones...
What do you think of the person who tagged you? I think she is absolutely darling; we connected instantly the first time we met, and she is true blue!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished, anywhere in the world, where would that be? on any beach not prone to hurricanes or tidal waves...

What is your favorite color? varies from day to day, although I never really like puce or taupe
What is your favorite piece of clothing? skirts my friend Angel D'amico (in Chicago) painted for me, and my Rice Freeman-Zachery homage to New Orleans skirt
Favorite TV show? Project Runway, True Blood (but we don't get them so I go to my friend next door's house, or watch on DVD)
If you had $100 right now, what would you spend it on? put it toward the rent...
Who is your favorite artist? too many to list here, dead and alive...
What is your favorite season? summer
Describe your personal style: urban boho (no, I didn't mean "hobo")
What is your favorite movie? too many to pick from - I do love post apocalyptic stories, and time travel...
What inspires you? EVERYthing...
What music do you like this week? a local Fort Collins band, SHEL (see Ragtags post from a few days ago...)
What is your dream job? reviewing things, or being a personal shopper (only because I could probably get paid for them, and sadly, not for beachcombing...)
If you could change something in the world to make it a better place, what would that be? make it more beautiful, and help those who are sad to be happy, or at least, okay with things, and ban those who seek to do others harm from achieving their goal
If you could change anything about you, what would it be? I would be more organized and kinder
What is your favorite perfume of all time? Paris, or (the ORIGINAL) Yardley Lily of the Valley

So, those are all the questions. Mine (see below) are the last two. So here are the rules:
1) Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with one of your invention, add one more question of your own.
2) Tag 4 people
Roxanne Stout
KC Willis
Sherry Goodloe (ok, so I can't count ---)
Labels: Connie Freedman, likes, style, tag
The printmaker's art

Labels: gocco, printmaking, sarah fishburn
Re-Bound Rocks Repurposing!
This book joins a growing list of swell DIY and how-to books on using what we already have to aid us in our creative pursuits. Many artists - especially in mixed-media have been repurposing and recycling elements gleaned from EVERYwhere for years. Re-Bound adds more clever and practical ideas to the mix, and directs them specifically to the creation of handmade books. If you are new to the bookarts community, Re-Bound will serve as as inspirational primer, and if you already have some bookmaking skills under your hat, it will direct you to some new cliffs from which you will definitely want to dive headfirst! There are 16 pages of patterns and templates, excellent step-by-steps with darling little line drawings to illustrate each how-to, and so many suggestions for repurposing your head may spin. I was especially intrigued with Jeannine's felted sweater journal, and the gallery rocks.
Tell us a little about your book!
Re-Bound: Creating Handmade Books From Recycled and Repurposed Materials This is a how-to book on making books from new and vintage recycled and repurposed materials such as potato chip bags, sweaters, cabinet cards, record albums, hot water bottles and gift cards. There are 16 projects in the book that all have step-by-step instructions with illustrations, and 14 more books by other artists in the gallery. Each project features a different binding that even beginners can do. Re-Bound also includes tips and variations for each project.
How long have you been doing this type of craft or art?
I've been making books for more than 15 years, including photo albums, journals, sketch books, guest books, and notebooks. I've been crafting all my life, ever since I could hold a pair of scissors.
What inspired you to write this book?
I love to do fine bindings and work in traditional leather and bookboard, but while doing that I began to discover that exploring other materials offered a different challenge and satisfaction. I became inspired by flea market finds such as vintage textiles and photographs, and started making books with them several years ago - it took my work to an entirely new level. I also love modern graphics on things like food and product packaging, and found they're great for making books as well. At the same time I was doing this, I began to see fantastic work being done by other designers and artists who were turning existing items into furniture, clothes, accessories and lighting. I knew I wasn't the only one who was crazy about working with recyclables.
What makes your book different?
All of the projects use recycled materials, which hasn't been done before in a book on bookbinding. Although the projects are easy enough for a beginner to do, experienced binders and book artists will definitely find some challenges. Also, the text offers a lot of information on how and where to find materials, plus tips on how to work with them.
Who will enjoy or benefit most from this book?
Bookbinders and artists for sure, but also people who like working with recycled materials and found objects. Scrapbookers will really enjoy the projects, many of which can be used as albums. Photographers and artists are always looking for places to feature their work, and there are several books that are perfect for that.
When and where will your book be available?
It was published in July of 2009. Find it at Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon, and any number of craft stores.
Were there contributors to this book? If so, who were they?
The gallery contributors are: Norman Dixon, Charlene Matthews, Richard Troncone, Bee Shay, Dennis Yuen, Jennifer Kaiser, Susan Reardon, Holly Sar Dye, Andrew Borloz, Judi Delgado, Elaine Nishizu, Leslie C. Herger, Rhonda Miller, and Marcia Moore
Labels: Bee Shay, book arts, bookbinding, Jeannine Stein, Judi Delgado, recycled, repurposed
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
True Vision

Labels: art journal, happiness, journal pages, LK Ludwig, True Vision
Monday, August 24, 2009
For Fun in Fort Fun
Labels: Fort Collins musicians, local, music, SHEL, summer fun
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
UNlucky 13???

Summer this year has been CRAZY. Honestly, it almost felt like we had no real summer. It rained, and rained some more, and now it seems like fall is ready to come on strong. So, during all the rain this summer, I didn't have something I really needed - used to have - it disappeared. What is it, and what celebrity recently both sang about it, and designed some pretty nice ones? If you know, or think ya do, leave a comment and I'll get back to you - but make sure you don't put the answer IN your comment! YES! There will be prizes!
Labels: catherine deneuve, clue, contest, rain
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Pasticcio 7 is now on sale...

GRAFFITI, ILLUSTRATION, and STENCIL artists take the spotlight in this special Fall edition of Pasticcio. Palais du Art is jam-packed with an abundance of artists old and new. Glean firsthand tips from a celebrated Hollywood caricature artist, read an in-depth interview with Traci Bautista, digest an "editorial" piece by the renowned blogger Seth Apter, and find directions for locating maybe a zillion industrious and influential artists. Pasticcio 7 is 4 pages longer for this go-round but costs no more!
Pasticcio 7 (Fall 2009) has more artists than ever! In it you'll
find art and/or articles by/about the following contributors
(there are also comments and quotes by dozens of others):
Brian Andreas
Seth Apter
Traci Bautista
Bernie Berlin
Virginia Lee Burton
Kelly Feraro
Sheri Gaynor
Dick Gautier
Caterina Giglio
Charley Harper
Susan Hattman
Matthew Howden
Kevin King
Lou McCulloch
Kohime Ohse
Jen Osborn
Shauna Palmer
Nina Perez
Lynne Perrella
Angela Petsis
Julia Pott
Lesley Riley
Vincenzo Rizzo
Lou Robinson
Red Dog Scott
Jann Selleck
Deb Silva
CW Slade
Cindy Steiler
Sally Anne Stephen
Sally Turlington
Susan Tuttle
Lunaea Weatherstone
Kim Wlassak
Linda Woods
Tali Yalonetski
Get your copy here.
Labels: fall, graffiti, green, halloween, illustration, pasticcio, quartz, stencil, zine
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Sneak Peek and Launch Party announcement

Labels: art, clue, contest, designs and ragtags, giveaway, jewelry, pasticcio, prizes, quartz, shop, zine
Friday, August 07, 2009
No Bulls pierced by Banderillas though...

Labels: John Baldessari, sarcasm, tips for artists
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Sleeping Naked
Hate irony and the foibles of human nature? Sleeping Naked Is Green is probably NOT the book for you! Like a little entertainment with your education, or vice versa? Then read it and be entertained, educated, even a little enlightened.
Yes, it reads (and was written) like a diary --- and who doesn't like a vicarious semi-daily peek into the inner and outer lives of others? Does that mean it lacks a cohesive storyline? Not really; it's the story of the year in the life of a young journalist who decides to make 365 changes, small and large, shallow and profound, involving her impact on Mother Earth.
Lots of us are a little bit shallow at times, and at times, one hopes, more profound. We all make decisions and find some work out and some don't. It's fun to read about the whys and wherefores of the author's decisions, and their sometimes successful, not always practical, frequently mixed consequences. As to the complaint of another reader about the constant search for a cute guy theme running through many (not all) entries, I think that's kinda realistic. Lots of us, when not partnered up, are pretty much looking for love 24/7.
Summing up: if you want a fun read with plenty of food for thought that can be consumed in one sitting or quick takes, and don't roll your eyes at all things people try, then this book is perfect. If you have the outlook of an Eeyore and can't remember the last time you cracked a smile at the ironies and humor of living on earth, you may want to sink your teeth into any of a number of Russian writers of a century or two ago instead.
Labels: book review, earth, eco chic, environment, green living, summer fun, vanessa farquharson