Take 5
Tagged by Tiffini:
Five minutes to yourself:
curl up in the big red chair & read
Five bucks to spend right now: how would you spend it?
on fresh flowers
Five items in your house you could part with, right now, that you hadn't thought of already?
any of my art. our mattress. the microwave (but Colin wouldn't like THAT). all our old record albums (but Colin wouldn't like THAT EITHER!). the shredder.
Five items you absolutely, positively could never part with in your house?
Colin. Janie (the cat). the books. the movies. other people's art.
Five words you love? "Here's a present for you". . .NO, I'm just KIDDING!!!!
crazy. darling. jazz. love. truly
Angela C.
Deb C.
Deb T.
Denise L.
Jennifer B.
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