"Tadpoles A Winner"
Two Items.
Pasticcio 5, the big Holiday issue, will be available next week! You won't want to miss a single page. So ya'll make a note in your datebook to get on over to our Lulu shop to order it Monday, November 10. All of you except Lynne Hoppe that is, the winner in the drawing for a free Pasticcio to a reader with advice re: my datebook dilemma. Yay, Lynne! Please send me your mailing addy and as soon as I have some copies, I will get one out to you. I did a runner-up drawing as well. Vivian Montre, you didn't win the copy of Pasticcio this time, but I still have something to send to you!
Anyone curious as to what I finally decided to use? Well, there were some swell suggestions, but fate took my hand, making it grasp this:

Tuesday November 4, 2008 will go down in History. If you were eligible, did you vote today? If ya did, and I don't care for whom, leave me a (courteous, of course) comment on this post and I'll do another drawing at the end of the week. Not sure what the prize is gonna be, but I promise you'll be psyched when you receive it! Sound good? Good luck!
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