One more thing

(We need to take a new pic or two now that you're all grown up!)
(We need to take a new pic or two now that you're all grown up!)
Okay, the sign on the furniture.
This is my grandson Sebastian.
A few years ago (he is obviously a grown-up of six solemn years, now) many of us were in Albuquerque at my MIL's (Peggy's) for a party. She had someone help her to print out these signs, put them in frames and set them all around the living room. 'Drink' was actually meant symbolically to be anything taken by mouth.
He who puts
drink on
Chief Peggy's
many moons
But the thing is, no matter how hard she tried to control what was going on, with dozens of kids, and oblivious adults, someone was gonna break the rules. Especially someone who clearly couldn't read.
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