ragtags studio central: sarah's random this & that

random means "having no definite aim or purpose," (1655), taken from "at random" (1565), "at great speed" (thus, "carelessly, haphazardly"). In 1980s college student slang, it somehow, and sadly, acquired a distinct sense of "inferior, undesirable." (Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper) Well, okay, fine, Mr. Online Etymology Dictionary person, but THIS is the 21st Century. It's a whole new ball of wax.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Paper Whimsy November Musings

I was honored to be asked by Gale Blair, the beautiful and talented proprietor of Paper Whimsy, to be the featured artist for Musings, her monthly newsletter. Musings is filled with, well, musings, for one thing, but also fascinating projects, colorful inspiration, and info galore. Events conspired, and I couldn't do it for several months, but finally made it just under the wire for the November issue.
My contribution for this issue includes glimpses of a book project, an interview, and even a recipe for something tantalizingly mouth watering and New Mexican! If you aren't already a subscriber to Musings, email Gail at info@paperwhimsy.com IMMEDIATELY, and I bet she will still send you the November newsletter. If you click on the Musings link here, you can still read all the archived issues. Nice.