7 Deadly Sins
NOT REALLY! I mean 7 (relatively) random things - requested by Deb S.

1) Both my totem animal and my Chinese Zodiac Year are: Horse.
2) When I'm the only one home, I blast Billie Holiday, Blind Faith, the Blues.
3) 43/53rds of my life have been spenting "raising" one child or another.
4) My Irish coffee is made with Scotch whiskey.
5) Many critics panned one of my all-time fave movies, The Postman, based on the novel of the same name.
6) I believe art can spring from joy + fun as well as sorrow + misery.
7) I saw the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey with a handsome young Welsh dwarf who looked just like Warwick Davis, the actor who played "Willow".
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