Strawberry, Apricot, Rhubarb, Cherry: Lip Happiness

Here where I live in the Foothills of the Rockies,
there has been snow on the ground since
December 19th, 2006.
LOTS of snow. Piles and piles.
Feh, more about that later.
Despite frequent flurries, it's not exactly humid.
Colorado, home of Endless (often) Blue Skies
and Chapped (always) Lips.
Having discussed this sub before, I thought
this morning I would revisit it, as I owe a quick
Thank You to someone who understands;
and YOU probably guessed it, she lives a town
over the road from me ---
The foto above is documentation of all
TUBE lip products currently found in my otherwise
relatively product spare bathroom.
I left out 4 cunning little pots o' gloss.
At least once an hour, lubrication is imperative.
If you want details of any of the lip happiness shown,
drop me a line; Shopgirrrl that I am, I'll happily
In the meantime, that little Gnome-y tube
(second from right, top row) holds Green Tea Lip Balm.
Made by Blue-Q (click on 'Lip Happiness'), yum.
Thanx ever so, Tiffini.
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