How I fixed my broken strap &, I hope, saved my dignity.

Last Saturday at the shop, it was my turn to do a demo. I always feel at a loss;
what can I tell anyone they couldn't figure out for themselves? The answer to that turned out to be: they couldn't figure out MY PROCESS OF COLLAGE.
(Phew - thank heavens I still had that ONE trick up my sleeve, she thought to herself, tongue in cheek.)
So, I did the Sarah thing, talked for awhile about the bits I *DO* know about composition, design, lay-out - on the off chance some of THAT might be new to someone.
But the time sped & finally I was forced to put my money where my mouth was, or more precisely, the gluestick to the paper. The patient & good-spirited women (yup, all women, baby, I eagerly await the day I command an all-male audience!) gave me a multiple challenge of (in less than half an hour) creating a collage which conveyed the themes of dog, punk & female. (There were also more obscure themes offered, but I politely (I hope!) declined those until further notice - though there was one really kind fabric artist up from Longmont who insisted I covered all of them including one she called "Forced Memory"! Wow, am I good or what?)
So what you see above, with the exception of the spray paint & the little flying birdie tattoo on the girl's shoulder which I added on once I had finished with the official "demo", is my 30 minute or less homage (more or less) to the dogs, punks & females amongst us. Oh, one last thing, the vertical strips? I thought they kind of resembled a fence & YAY! me! - being "fenced in" just happened to be another one of their wacky themes!
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