Oh, the weather outside is frightful

I really looked forward to and enjoyed the party, especially after the troubles we had that week with our little old border collie, Josie. She had a rapid onset of idiopathic vestibular disease and we didn't think (at 14) she would survive. She did though, but now has a peculiar head tilt and a seemingly permanent list.
Then, there's the weather. Bad enough to worry over one's kids who live nearby, but now Silver and Heather in Vermont, and Sierra-Marie, Gina and the kids back in Massachusetts are being inundated with blizzard conditions, too. Silver called this morning to ask me to look up the weather in the Brattleboro area on the computer, I said, "Baby, look out your window!" He said, "Everything's white." I said Heather had better take a Snow Day. (When my kids were in school we had a family tradition of Snow Days called by - well, me.) Then SM called to say Gina and Kayla were stuck somewhere between their house and Gina's mummy's rather than at the airport or on their way to Seattle, and that she (SM) had locked herself and Marcus out of the car, they had no food in the house and she had never made it into work, so had to get there tonight to pick up things she needed to work from home. Oy. No wonder I am looking so aged these days. No wonder people move to - well I'm not sure where - maybe Over The Rainbow. . .
Here it is less than two weeks until Christmas and I have yet to finish much of anything on my list. I have been feeling rather like crrrrap for the past few days, just when I really need a burst of energy to finish out the year. Haven't yet made good on more than one promise, and have a feeling my name is going to show up multiple times on a certain Naughty List for laying on the couch looking pale, alternating with flushed and feverish. But as Scarlet said, Tomorrow's a Brand New Day, and though I may not be a Brand New Girl, I bet the world will still be waiting for me to make good!
Until then, here are some more pics you might want to borrow from my vast
Image Resource library! More images can be found here. You'll be able to find the original photographs and postcards of some of them in my etsy shop in the next few days.

Image Resource library! More images can be found here. You'll be able to find the original photographs and postcards of some of them in my etsy shop in the next few days.

Labels: Christmas, holiday, Lakshmi, Naughty list, party time, photograph, postcard, retro, snow, snowstorm, vintage
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