South Street Designs Online Jewelry Par-tay
Yay! Not only can I have parties at my house - but:

Sarah Fishburn is Hosting a Virtual Jewelry Show 5/14/08-5/16/08 and You're Invited!!
Hi, I'm Julie, of South Street Designs (aka puffluna on Etsy). Sarah has graciously offered to host a South Street Designs Virtual Internet Party!
Here's a little information about me ... I am a stay at home mom who designs and creates unique, affordable, high quality jewelry in my home here on South Street in Chardon, OH. I started creating jewelry in late 2005 and haven't stopped since. This is where part of my heart goes everyday. I create new pieces pretty much every day and LOVE doing it.
I began selling my jewelry at home shows. My family and friends were so supportive of my dream to make jewelry and to be a stay at home mom and hosted South Street Design parties in their homes. I have also had two Trunk Shows at Simply Swank Salon and Spa in Hudson, OH. Then I found and opened my shop online at Since then, I've sold over 2700 online items and I've mailed them all over the world to places like France, New Zealand, England, Alaska, California and Scotland to name a few. I was recently featured in Etsy's Success Stories Series.
Sarah will receive a hostess reward based on how many sales come in from all of you! She will receive 10% of sales in free jewelry of her choice.
To participate, go to anytime between 5/14/08 and 5/16/08 and purchase an item. In the comments to seller section of the purchase, please indicate that you are Sarah's guest and that amount will be included in her rewards. I will mail your purchase to you within 1-2 weeks.
I list new items daily!
Thank you so much for your time and consideration!
Julie Joliat
South Street Designs
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